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Desktime (billed annually, default for up to 16 users).


We’re proud to say that, at the time of writing, Buddy Punch has received a total of 612 reviews on the popular software review site Capterra, with an average of 4.8 out of 5 stars. What do our users have to say about Buddy Punch? Buddy Punch offers a whole range of other features, including:įor a full list of Buddy Punch’s features, click here. But those are just the tip of the iceberg. In this article, we’ve covered some of Buddy Punch’s key features dealing with accountability, scheduling, and payroll.

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Note: Your employees can check their schedules at any time through the Buddy Punch mobile app ( iPhone and Android ), desktop app or tablet app. If you want to get a more detailed overview of Buddy Punch’s alerts, notifications and reminders, click here.

  • Shift Start Reminder & Shift End Reminder.
  • Hit our ‘publish schedule’ button, and Buddy Punch will prompt you to choose whether to share through email, push notification, or both.īuddy Punch also offers other types of scheduling notifications, which you can configure to automatically get sent to employees and/or administrators. Our accountability features include: GeofencingĪfter you spend time creating the perfect schedule, you can use Buddy Punch to share it with your team in just a few clicks. We created a whole range of features that can help you keep your employees honest and accountable when they punch in and out of work. A lack of accountability from your team members invariably translates to wasted money and time due to inaccurate time-sheets.Īt Buddy Punch, we don’t want you to worry about this problem. Tracking employee hours effectively and reliably isn’t possible if your employees aren’t kept accountable for when and where they work.

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    Increase Accountability for Your Team with:įeatures to Increase Staff Accountability You can use the list below to jump to a specific section. In this article, we’ll start by covering some of Buddy Punch’s features. That’s why we created features to help with (1) employee accountability, (2) payroll processing, and (3) scheduling. But when we set out to build our platform, we wanted it to be something more than just a digital version of a paper punch clock and paper timesheet. We couldn’t believe how frustrating and time-consuming the process was, and knew there had to be a better way.īuddy Punch was born out of that frustration. In our previous business, we struggled to track time for 20 employees across three different locations using paper punch clocks and timesheets.


    Learn more here and try Buddy Punch for free today. It includes features we ourselves would have liked, having struggled to track employee hours for a staff of twenty across three different business locations. Note: Buddy Punch is our own product and we’re proud of what we built. To help you with that decision, we’ve put together an in-depth list that compares nine of the best time clocking apps for small businesses in 2022. The challenge is deciding which app will work best for your specific business. There are many apps in the market that can help you track your employees’ hours while accounting for all these challenges.

  • The difficulty of creating accommodating work schedules for both the employer and employees.
  • The constant recurring time investment needed to do payroll.
  • The complexity of data manipulation needed in spreadsheets to understand revenue and cost.
  • A lack of transparency and accountability from employees when clocking in and out of work.
  • There are many challenges involved in the process of employee time-tracking, such as:

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